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  • Deak Tamas: Ezt a felvételt <a href=;nagyapám csinálta 1934... (2017.08.11. 16:32) dwedwe


2017.08.11. 16:31 Deak Tamas

He exists. In our world based on epirism this statement stirs up the storm, but the next poem of the Wangfolyó is about someone who is the man of God. God gives a name, settles, gives avocation (who does this may be called God, Fate, Destiny, I positively prefer the name of God ).  This short story of a life and a  longer one of a meeting fulfills the previous statement with real content.. The mentioned person is not the only one who can be called The man of God but his life and works were very valuable. This story was hidden to the public meanwhile millions enjoyed the result of his work.
This life started on 19th Dec 1907. when the second child of sir Ernő Gottesmann de Erdőbakta and  Paulina Manojlovic, a boy named also Ernő. Their first child, the seven year old  Geraldine was born in that fantastic place which  was called Lemberg in that time. It is not accidental if these names sound familiar .  The uncle of Ernő jr. was  sir Ervin Baktay, de Erdőbakta (originally named Gottesmann) this fantastic scientist and artist.

Erwin Baktay  1890-1963
His cousin was Dalma Amrita Sérgil, the very short lived paintress, who thanks India the founder of its modern painting.
Dalma Amrita Sérgil
(in English: Amrita Sher-Gil)

Her memorial in Sq.  Szilágyi Dezső, Budapest

Amrita Sérgil: Self Portrait
Gottesmann Ernő went to Hungarian Credit Bank as clerk after spending four semesters in the Hungarian University of Technology. He went to Hungarian Film Office starting March 1938 and due his talent he was promoted to higher and higher positions. Starting Oct 1939. he was promoted as leader of the feature film department, starting Jan 1941 of the Hungarian World News as addition . These jobs meant the tasks of production management in real life..
Ernő Gottesman appr. 1940.
In 1940 he marries a divorced woman, Viola O'Egan. O'Egan ... this name stir up the storm  in Hungary    ... and leads us to that place which called first time  ?????  in that time.

Amrita Sérgil : Fair in the Hungarian rural

Amrita Sérgil: Camels
Until 1944 Ernő Gottesmann supervises the making of the feature films altough his name was displayed on few inserts only   (some of these feature films are lost or unfinished) but he was that person who supervised and managed everywhere everything .

Értelemszerű elírás ez utóbbi inzerten.
Certainly he knew the elite of the Hungarian film/theathre life, many artists whose works have founded the modern Hungarian movie art.

Lili Muráti right, next to her
Henrik Castiglione , left to
him  Ernő Gottesmann   

Left Gottesmann Ernő, next to him  Bordy Bella
next to her  Szilassy László
next to him  Cserépy László
It seems to be the plot of the feature
film Cserebere

Ernő Gottesmann and Bella Bordy

The last pictures are from movie  Eiben István - az utolsó tekercs.
Altough he was not allowed to work with the film between 1945 and 1950 it was turned out soon that his talent and experience cannot be missed by the new regime also.So he worked there "illegally" until 1953 after then "legally" but his name was never displayed in insters any more. . He worked in the newsreel department after then as translator in the international department. He was retired in the 1970s, but he was visited regulary for advises by the junior colleagues or just simply to chat with him.
                   Gottesmann Ernő 1995-ben, 88 éves korában.
I participated to work of the book  Magyar Hangosfilm Lexikon 1931-1944 by József Mudrák. Hence  when I was invited in the company of  József Mudrák to visit Ernő Gottesmann, I already felt that this meeting will be unforgettable. In his fantastic flat which survived all of the horror of the 20th century  - and luckily its inhabitants never had to move from it  - there was presented the work and art of all the people who was mentioned previously. Close to paintings of Amrita Sérgil it was interesting to see the portrait of  Sr. Ernő  Gottesmann in uniform, the moustached old soldier played significant role in the campaign of Romania in 1916 based on the family history..

 Amrita Sérgil: Three girls

Amrita Sérgil: Young girls
Ernő Gottesmann in 2003, age 96.
This old gentleman received us with the highest kindness, I was powered by his aura from the first moment. We drank the Turkish coffee, and the conversation started - to be exact we heard a fantastic real genuine poem. It was fantastic to see and feel how he remembers every part and detail of his work, We heard the correct budget of the movies, their values were exact to from the distance of sixty years. - imagine how he did his work with exactitude! We heard lots of secrets, episodes of the world of the movie making, in his style these stories were ready-to-print. He unfolded the dissonant stories with the highest elegancy.
I will never forget the next scene, I remember it like today.. When we mentioned the first woman who became director, Simonyi Lia who made documentaries ("We overtook the Germans, Leni Riefenstahl also !")  we approached the making of movie  A tojás.
This movie was hard to be made. We followed the developing of the egg from the beginning, this costs lots of time. The plotting in the nest was the hardest, but certainly we did not win too much time in the lab also. We have to shoot everything , but it was know, how hard will be the film to be cut to its needed length. It was the very first short documentary movie in Hungary, we had no experience
We were very nervous in the premier, the film was displayed with full house. The last scene of the movie was the very hardest, there the chick breaks up the eggshell and moves out. We relieved, when the public of the cinema stands up and applauds the chicken !
At that moment the face of the old gentleman warmed with heat, happy tears ran down his face. I remember many times to that scene and I recognize, how many things can be learned by this story. I felt the enthusiasm, the joy of the work, the learning, the responsibility , and I can feel hardy what is lost in the Hungarian movies by the "Jancsóization" which was also recognized by foreigners. This episode of this May afternoon demonstrates why was he visited by juniors and seniors regularly..
The closure of this meeting was also not common. He told us how he keeps his mental vitality in age 96 :
I try to watch an opera of tv channel Mezzo daily. These are subtitled with French text and I check if the French text covers the Italian lyrics.
When we stepped out the door , I felt immediately that I would return and listen further the poem of the Hungarian movie making. But certainly the affabilty and conscience are stronger, hence we accepted his offer for a future visit, but I felt in my 2nd sublime that this was an unique instance. Apostle Thomas may put his fingers to the wound - and he was allowed to do it only once. . The life history of the man of God - who brings his fate in his name also  - we can afford lots of positive energy.
Ernő Gottesmann passed away 20 Dec 2004. It is sure that his mental vitality kept fresh - based on the newspapers he passed away with "tragic suddenness" on the next day of his 97. birthday.


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